
Showing posts from 2023


 Hey Pumpkins! We are back again, this time to talk about Auras. What are they? How do they work? How do we see them? How can we change them?  What are Auras? Everything has an energy, an electrical charge of sorts. Our aura is simply the 7 layers of energy radiating from our being. Each layer is said to represent a zone of your health, this may be physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, etc. The various layers can team up and imprint on your moods. I have been asked before if "vibes" and "auras" are the same thing. The answer is yes, and no. "Vibes", vibrations, are just that, a vibration, a frequency. This is also what your aura is made of, electrical frequency. Yes, you can sense your energies changing, some people can sense other individuals' energies. This is simply done but tapping into your own energies and understanding what it is, how it works, and what it looks like. Pretty simple.  What do they mean? Your aura shows as (up to 7) layers of co...

The Ins and Outs of Lucid Dreaming

 Hey, Pumpkins! Hope everyone is doing well and not too tired, but if you are tired, this may be for you. Lucid dreaming. What is lucid dreaming? Sometimes when we are sleeping, we are aware of our dreams. Some may feel real and some we feel as though we are simply watching. Our brain knows that the dream is not really happening but it feels real and clear.  Investigating sleep There are various different stages of sleep. Lucid dreaming generally occurs during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, this is the deepest stage of sleep. There are 4 sleep stages, 1 being the lightest and 4 being the deepest. Stage 1 tends to last about 10 minutes, this is an NREM sleep, nonrapid eye movement. Stage 2 is approximately 15-25 minutes, this is also an NREM sleep. Stage 3, also NREM, lasts about 30-40 minutes. Stage 4, the deepest stage of sleep, can be 10-60 minutes, this is when REM occurs. Lucid dreaming  Many think that lucid dreaming is something only certain people experience. In f...

The 7 Stages of Spiritual Alchemy (Part 2)

Hey Pumpkins! Today we will be working through the last 4 stages of Spiritual Alchemy. Since these have already been introduced we will jump straight in. The 7 Stages of Spiritual Alchemy: 1. Calcination  2. Dissolution 3. Separation 4. Conjunction 5. Fermentation  6. Distillation  7. Coagulation 4. Conjunction  The first 3 stages can be combined in order to create the stage of conjunction. This is where we bring together all of the elements. Here we begin to pull together our true, and natural self. It is where our journey materializes.  Although our journey through Spiritual Alchemy never truly ends, during stage 4 we begin to pull together and body and spirit. We gain balance and harmony within ourselves and therefore our surroundings.  5. Fermentation Also called Putrefaction, this stage of fermentation is when our old self is buried, or deceased, and our new self is born. This is the process of rebirth. Here we begin our new journey, the main character...

The 7 Stages of Spiritual Alchemy

 Hey Pumpkins, we are back with more knowledge. Many of you may have heard of the book 'The Alchemist', if you have not then I highly recommend it. There are 2 types of Alchemy, chemical and spiritual. We, of course, will be talking about Spiritual Alchemy.  The 7 Stages of Spiritual Alchemy: 1. Calcination  2. Dissolution 3. Separation 4. Conjunction 5. Fermentation  6. Distillation  7. Coagulation Alchemy is a medieval chemical science. An old age natural philosophy. Alchemists studied ways to transform one substance into another. Alongside this, they looked for ways that this transformation could correspond to astrology and magick. Spiritual Alchemy is the unfleshly version. This is the transformation of your inner self.   Today we will cover the first 3 stages of Spiritual Alchemy: Calcination; Dissolution; and Separation.  1. Calcination - Burning to Ashes  Calcination, the first stage of Spiritual Alchemy, is also called the Black Stage...

The 7 Hermetic Principles (Part 2)

Hey, Pumpkins! The 7 Hermetic Principles. We have covered what they are and the first 3 Principles in the previous post. If you have not yet seen this, I highly suggest you run off and read that one first. For now.....Let's jump in! The Principle of Mentalism The Principle of Correspondence  The Principle of Vibration The Principle of Polarity The Principle of Rhythm The Principle of Cause and Effect The Principle of Gender 4. The Principle of Polarity "Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled." - The Kybalion Opposites are the same. Breaks your brain right?  A good example would be ice and steam. Although different, they are essentially both water. The same concept can be shown in physical matter and spiritual energy. They are both vibrations.  The Principle of Polari...

The 7 Hermetic Principles (Part 1)

Hey, Pumpkins! How can you make life turn in favor of you? The 7 Hermetic Principles. The natural laws of the universe. Let's take a deeper look. What are the 7 Hermetic Principles? Hermeticism is a form of philosophy dating back many years. They are said to have come from the writings of renowned author Hermes Trismegitus. These principles were passed down through generations by word of mouth, later being printed into book form. (Specifically in the Kybalion.) Some may say that there are 12 principles but we will only talk about the 7 main ones. The Principle of Mentalism The Principle of Correspondence  The Principle of Vibration The Principle of Polarity The Principle of Rhythm The Principle of Cause and Effect The Principle of Gender Today we will focus on the first 3 Principles; Mentalism; Correspondence; and Vibration. 1. The Principle of Mentalism "The All is Mind; The Universe is Mental" - The Kybalion This Principle is also known as step 1 in manifestation. It re...


Hey Pumpkins, do you know what your life purpose is? If you don't, that's absolutely fine. Most of us don't, I certainly don't. There is a Japanese concept called your Ikigai. This is your purpose.  What is Ikigai? The first time I heard about this concept was from the TV show "Mr. Iglesias". Strange, I know. I was drawn to it and needed to know more. The Japanese concept of Ikigai is a way used to find your life purpose or your "reason of being". In Japanese "iki" means life and "gai" is your value or worth. I know as well as any that life often feels pointless as if you have no reason, no purpose. I, along with all of our ancestors and history, am here to tell you otherwise. You do have a purpose and your life has a meaning. You just need to let it find you. This may take years, even all your life, but it will  find you.  How to find your Ikigai Although it is often said that your Ikigai/ purpose will find you, you can also find...

It's That Season - Herbal Remedies

 Hey, Pumpkins! We have recently entered flu season...the struggles of life. The coughing, exhaustion, sinus, and being dramatic feeling like you may die. You (probably) won't, but here are some remedies to help you through.  Coughing There are a few remedies that can help with coughing. These can range from tea to cough drops to throat sprays and more.  Let's start with a simple tea:                                                   You will need:                                                   Boiled water                                          ...

The Moral Compass

Hey, Pumpkins! We all know what is right and what is wrong. but where does this instinct come from? The answer is...our moral compass. Today, we will be diving into what our moral compass is, and the different ways people view it.  What is it? When something is wrong, you know (although these rights and wrongs may vary between us). You get that knotted, nagging feeling in your chest and stomach. We call that our moral compass. It guides us (like a compass) via our morals. Our standards and behavior, are lessons we have learned. Humanity is said to have 5 basic morals. Care Fairness Loyalty Respect Purity We look at intentions, actions, and decisions, and naturally (even if deep down) we know whether they are right or wrong. Whether we should do it, or allow it, or not. However, we may not always listen to this feeling, sometimes we ignore it and carry on. Often this results in Karma paying a visit.  Where does it come from? So, where does this instinct come from? In all hones...

Moon Phases

 Hey, Pumpkins! The Moon...that big white, grey, blue, or yellow ball in the sky? Yes, that's Her. In the space of 27 days, 7 hours, and 43 minutes, She completes a full orbit around the sun. Why Her? The Moon is a feminine entity. This is often said to be because She relates to the female cycle. The Moon cycle is 29 days and the female menstrual cycle is generally (this can vary between women) 28 days. This is not a recent thing, the Moon has been seen as feminine since long before any written evidence. She is seen as gentle and beautiful, with sides of mystery and darkness. This is represented by Artemis, the Greek Goddess of hunting, and the Moon.  To The Ancestors Our ancestors simply saw a bright beauty in the night sky. They saw it as a representation, and this representation changed with various cultures and beliefs. It was used as a calendar, compass, clock, and much more. Many worshiped the Moon, whether it was in the form of a Goddess or simply the Moon Herself. For ...

The 9 Noble Virtues (Part 2)

 Hey, Pumpkins! Today we will be continuing with the 9 Noble Virtues. We covered the first 4 in the previous post, if you have not read those feel free to go back and read about those ones first!   Discipline ("The architecture of success") Discipline is what drives you to stay focused and work for what you want. It is how you stick to whatever it is you are doing and prevents you from giving up. PUSH THROUGH! You got this 💖 Hospitality A warm house and a warm heart. When having people over, helping them feel comfortable and safe is a form of hospitality. Allowing them to enjoy themselves and meet any of their needs. (Within limits) This does not mean allowing them to disrespect you.  Self Reliance You don't need anyone else. Yes, it is good to have people around you who care about you, but never forget the power you hold inside you. The power of not having to rely on anyone else. You have the power of independence inside of you, lock into it. Industriousness Accomplishi...

The 9 Noble Virtues (Part 1)

 Hey, Pumpkins! Today we will be talking about the 9 Noble Virtues.  These are very important to me as after a passed pushed me to it I have tried to live by these virtues. These 9 virtues can be traced back to Viking and ancient Nordic writings.  Keep these as a reminder of who you are and how our ancestors tried to live.  The History Although most people believe these virtues come from Viking and ancient Nordic writings, there is debate over where they truly originated from. Some say the Vikings and the Nordic, some say Medievil Germonics, Odinist Fellowship, Asatru, or historical Norse paganism. I guess it could be any of these but most evidence points to the Vikings and ancient Nordic writings. (We will be going through these via the writings of the Vikings and the Norse.) What are they? As it is said, "We are our deeds". The following 9 noble virtues were known to guide us in our ways.  The 9 Noble Virtues: Courage  Truth  Honor Fidelity Disciplin...

Chakras (Part 2)

 Hey Pumpkins! Let's continue with Chakras......... Crown - I know  Third eye - I see Throat - I speak Heart - I love Solar Plexus - I do Sacral - I feel Root - I am Heart - I love The Heart Chakra is found at the heart, at the center of the chest. Surprise!! It is where our love comes from, our passion, and our compassion. It is where our pure emotions come from. When your Heart Chakra is blocked you feel the opposite emotions. Rather than love for yourself, you will feel self-hatred. Instead of compassion, you feel hatred, regret, and jealousy. Unblocking this Chakra is harder work, purely because of the way you are feeling. You will feel against everything, unwilling to do what is needed. You do, however, know that it will help. You just need to push yourself through. Try these: 1. Look at what you are grateful for 2. Practice yoga, backbends work well for this particular role 3. Try self-love meditation 4. Rose tea and cacao 5. The color green Solar Plexus - I do The Solar...

Chakras (Part 1)

 Hey Pumpkins! What are chakras? How can they help us? How can we use them? I will tell you. What are they? Chakras are certain power points in our bodies. Each chakra is connected to a certain section, nerve group, and organ in our body. There are 7 main chakras, each connecting through our spinal cords to our head. When these chakras are blocked, it has a physical effect on us. So, now what? What are the 7 chakras? Here are the 7 chakras (and their "quotes" of sorts) from head to toe. Crown - I know  Third eye - I see Throat - I speak Heart - I love Solar Plexus - I do Sacral - I feel Root - I am And yes, there are crystals (and colors) to help. Colors Firstly, I want to explain how the colors work. Each chakra has a color associated with it (as you can see in the image on the right). The energy connected to each chakra has a frequency, these frequencies have a color attached to them. Colors, in general, have various effects on the brain. We've all the idea that yellow ...


 Hey Pumpkins! We have all heard of meditation. You can't not, nowadays it is mentioned everywhere. Today we will chat about why it is so common and how it can help you. What is meditation? Meditation is the practice of mindfulness and focus. It is well-known for calming your mind and clearing emotions. Many people think it is simply about your mind, but in reality, meditation has multiple healthy effects on your body. Once you start meditation you will notice the gradual effects on your mind and body, as well as, learn to live in the moment.  Effects on the mind As mentioned, meditation is very good for your mind. But how? Well, let's take a look. Gyrification - Science has shown that meditation helps increase the cortical folds in your brain. This helps your brain to process information faster.  Brain function - Meditation increases your entire brain function. This is done by synchronizing both sides of your brain and balancing wave patterns. Focus - Focus is not just a...

Astrology Elements

 Hey Pumpkins! Planets are not given the recognition they deserve. Astrology is a way of showing their connection to us. The 4 elements have a connection to astrology and the star signs. Here we will look at the 4 elements  (Earth, Air, Water, and Fire) and how they are connected. Earth Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn Earth Energy is physical, tangible, and sensual. Earth signs simply want stability and solid ground.  Earth signs in love:  They are dependable and driven by their senses. They crave physical attention and shared values.  Earth signs are often stuck in bad habits and behaviors. Routine and structure are very helpful.  Fire Zodiac Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius Fire Energy is dynamic, restless, and active. Fire signs are impulsive, passionate, and temperamental.  Fire signs in love:  They are passionate lovers and are very affectionate. Fire sign flames burn fast and must take things slow in order to avoid burnout. Fire signs o...