
 Hey Pumpkins! We are back again, this time to talk about Auras. What are they? How do they work? How do we see them? How can we change them? 

What are Auras?

Everything has an energy, an electrical charge of sorts. Our aura is simply the 7 layers of energy radiating from our being. Each layer is said to represent a zone of your health, this may be physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, etc. The various layers can team up and imprint on your moods.

I have been asked before if "vibes" and "auras" are the same thing. The answer is yes, and no. "Vibes", vibrations, are just that, a vibration, a frequency. This is also what your aura is made of, electrical frequency. Yes, you can sense your energies changing, some people can sense other individuals' energies. This is simply done but tapping into your own energies and understanding what it is, how it works, and what it looks like. Pretty simple. 

What do they mean?

Your aura shows as (up to 7) layers of color surrounding your being. Each color represents various energies and emotions. This is closely related to color therapy. For those of you who have no clue what I'm talking about, different colors draw out different emotions from within. You may have noticed that yellow lightens your mood, or maybe green encourages you. This is a psychological effect, and very effective.

Brown is known to be the most common aura color as it represents grounding, Earth, and connection to the physical world. 

White is one of the rarer colors for an aura. Especially in today's day and age. White is a sign of spiritual purity, being at peace with oneself. A clean heart, a positive mind, and high vibration. As said before...not very common. 

Can you cleanse your aura?

Yes, you can cleanse your aura. It is indeed a good idea to do this every once in a while, especially when you are feeling drained and mentally exhausted. 
So, how? There are a couple ways you can cleanse your aura:
  • Positive Affirmations - rejecting the negativity
  • Meditation - working on yourself can make your aura brighter
  • Visualization - imagine "cleaning" yourself; try breathing in the positive and breathing out the negative
  • Smudging - burning herbs, such as sage, can be used to repel bad energy
  • Energy balancing/healing - find the breach in your energy and work towards filling it.

Auras = Energy = Influence emotion  = Reading energy

I hope this has given you a deeper understanding of your aura. As always, feel free to let me know if there is anything you would like to know more about or a topic you would like to cover. 

Until next time, Pumpkins

Blessed be




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