The 12 Universal Laws (Part 1)

Hey Pumpkins!! I know, I know...I haven't been around for a while but here is some awesome info to make up for it!!! The Law of Attraction, you've heard of that right? Well, have you heard of the other 11 universal laws? Yep, there are 12! (I will be splitting them into 2 pages of 6 to avoid overwhelming you <3)

Law of Energy; Law of Rhythm; Law of Action; Law of Oneness; Law of Gender; Law of Polarity; Law of Relativity; Law of Transmutation; Law of Compensation; Law of Cause and Effect; Law of Attraction; Law of Correspondence.
Yep, it's a lot to take in but I shall break it down for you. 

1) Law of Oneness

Everything in the universe is connected through energy. Everything is made of energy. Therefore,        everything we say and do, everything we think and believe will have an effect, not only on us but on others and on the universe. 

2) Law of Vibration

Everything around us is constantly moving due to vibration, including us. Everything vibrates at certain frequency. This frequency sends out an energy field. When doing various spells or manifestations, you need to match your energy and vibration to the object or person. Once you have successfully done this you have accessed the Law of Vibration.

3) Law of Action 

The Law of Action is the one we use when taking physical action to create manifestations. Things such as meditation, visualizing, etc are not counted in the Law of Action as they are acts of Spiritual action rather than physical action. Listen to the universe as She will always help you in knowing what to do next. Taking action will ALWAYS ALWAYS speed up the process of manifestation! (which we love).

4) Law of Correspondence  

Your outer world mirrors your inner world. If you want to change something in your outer world you will have to look into your inner world. (ie: if you want to change something physically you cannot simply push, you need to change your perspective) The Law of Correspondence is also useful in manifestations. If your manifestations are not working try looking within yourself to see what the problem is. Many things can help you on your journey of self-empowerment and changing the way you look at things, such as reading, writing, observing the world around you, etc. It may take time, but you got this!!

5) Law of Cause & Effect

More commonly known as Karma. You get what you give. Whatever you give out to the world is exactly what the world will give back to you, even if in a slightly different form. Think of it as going to the shop, if I ask for a bar of chocolate I am not going to be given an apple, I will be given a bar of chocolate. In other words, be careful with what you put out into the world because it will come right back at you. 

6) Law of Attraction

This Law is similar to (but not the same as) the Law of Cause & Effect. The Universe isn't interested in what you put out into the world, She will simply give it back to you. Positive energy will attract positive energy and negative energy will attract negative energy. This is relevant for your thoughts, words, actions, etc. So be careful!  

That's all for today Pumpkins! I will do the remaining 6 Laws as soon as I possibly can.
Be safe during these hard Covid times 

Blessed be 
Emerald xx


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