Chakras (Part 2)

 Hey Pumpkins! Let's continue with Chakras.........

Crown - I know 
Third eye - I see
Throat - I speak
Heart - I love
Solar Plexus - I do
Sacral - I feel
Root - I am

Heart - I love

The Heart Chakra is found at the heart, at the center of the chest. Surprise!! It is where our love comes from, our passion, and our compassion. It is where our pure emotions come from. When your Heart Chakra is blocked you feel the opposite emotions. Rather than love for yourself, you will feel self-hatred. Instead of compassion, you feel hatred, regret, and jealousy. Unblocking this Chakra is harder work, purely because of the way you are feeling. You will feel against everything, unwilling to do what is needed. You do, however, know that it will help. You just need to push yourself through. Try these:

1. Look at what you are grateful for
2. Practice yoga, backbends work well for this particular role
3. Try self-love meditation
4. Rose tea and cacao
5. The color green

Solar Plexus - I do

The Solar Plexus is found in the stomach area. That pain you feel when you get very anxious and/or nervous. That's where you will find your Solar Plexus. Your Solar Plexus is where your feelings of control, and your feelings of confidence are. This is where our self-esteem comes from and our feelings of happiness /joy. When this Chakra is blocked we start to doubt ourselves. We start to feel we aren't enough. We start to feel we need control over every situation and have a deeper, but rising, anger. Unblocking the Solar Plexus can be done by:

1. Healing from past trauma
2. Balancing posture
3. Aromatherapy
4. Fire (not arson, just watching a fire...safely) 
5. The color yellow/gold

Sacral - I feel

The Sacral Chakra can be found just below your navel. This is where your perineum is. Your feelings of sexual intimacy arise from here. Your ability to give and receive pleasure. Past trauma can also be held here. When your Sacral Chakra is blocked your emotions feel overwhelming and you feel you start to depend on others more and more. You may have no interest in sex, or you may feel hyper-sexual. Unblocking your Sacral Chakra will help these feelings to reverse back to normal. Such as:

1. Meditation (always)
2. Yoga (also always)
3. Positive affirmations
4. Focus on all your pleasure in life (emotional, physical, and even spiritual)
5. Align the flow of your body energy
6. The color orange

Root - I am

Roots...anchor of plants. The thing that keeps us grounded. Hence, the root chakra. This anchor can be found just above the lower spine. As suggested by the name, the root chakra is where our stability comes from. It is our grounding, for ourselves and others. We all have that drive to live, to belong, and to care for ourselves. When your Root Chakra is blocked you feel a lack of these. Feelings of instability, chaos, and insecurity. Here are some ways to unblock your Root Chakra. 

1. Roots are the anchor of nature. So naturally, walks through nature will help.
2. Gardening
3. Running/hikes
4. Yoga
5. Breathing practice
6. The color red

I hope this is helpful for you my Pumpkins! As always, feel free to reach out with any questions or queries. Good luck on your Chakra journey, a journey that started at birth.  Until next time!

Blessed be



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