
 Hey Pumpkins! We have all heard of meditation. You can't not, nowadays it is mentioned everywhere. Today we will chat about why it is so common and how it can help you.

What is meditation?

Meditation is the practice of mindfulness and focus. It is well-known for calming your mind and clearing emotions. Many people think it is simply about your mind, but in reality, meditation has multiple healthy effects on your body. Once you start meditation you will notice the gradual effects on your mind and body, as well as, learn to live in the moment. 

Effects on the mind

As mentioned, meditation is very good for your mind. But how? Well, let's take a look.
  • Gyrification - Science has shown that meditation helps increase the cortical folds in your brain. This helps your brain to process information faster. 
  • Brain function - Meditation increases your entire brain function. This is done by synchronizing both sides of your brain and balancing wave patterns.
  • Focus - Focus is not just about concentration. Your brain focus is increased by thickening the cortical parts of the brain that are related to attention and concentration.
  • Mood - Meditation can lift your mood by increasing your dopamine and serotonin levels. This is done by stimulating the areas of the brain related to positivity.
  • Stress reduction - We all know that meditation is great for decreasing stress, but how does this work? Our cortisol and adrenaline are decreased resulting in your body entering a deepened relaxed state. Our breathing, pulse rate, and blood pressure are then lowered. 

Health benefits

  • Improved sleep 
  • Stress and anxiety relief 
  • Self-awareness 
  • Self-compassion
  • Reduces pain 
  • Reduces cravings
These are a few of the basics that everyone is aware of. Not many people know that there are more, and deeper, effects. 
  • Increased immune function
  • Eases inflammation
  • Helps relieve depression and feelings of loneliness (Note that this is not a cure for depression, simply a coping mechanism)
  • Ease digestive and heart problems 
There are many others, and deeper explanations for these, but if I mentioned them all now this post will never end! Feel free to go and do some research on meditation and its effects, alternatively you may always contact me with any questions.

I hope this has helped you my Pumpkins! Please keep me updated on how your meditation journey goes. Trust me, it's definitely worth it.

Blessed be

Emerald xxx


  1. I never knew there were all those other helpful effects to meditation. Will definitely be doing more research! Thank you for teaching this.

  2. This is so informative and so well written. I will definitely look into meditation a bit more. Thank you


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