Chakras (Part 1)

 Hey Pumpkins! What are chakras? How can they help us? How can we use them? I will tell you.

What are they?

Chakras are certain power points in our bodies. Each chakra is connected to a certain section, nerve group, and organ in our body. There are 7 main chakras, each connecting through our spinal cords to our head. When these chakras are blocked, it has a physical effect on us. So, now what?

What are the 7 chakras?

Here are the 7 chakras (and their "quotes" of sorts) from head to toe.

Crown - I know 
Third eye - I see
Throat - I speak
Heart - I love
Solar Plexus - I do
Sacral - I feel
Root - I am

And yes, there are crystals (and colors) to help.


Firstly, I want to explain how the colors work. Each chakra has a color associated with it (as you can see in the image on the right). The energy connected to each chakra has a frequency, these frequencies have a color attached to them. Colors, in general, have various effects on the brain. We've all the idea that yellow brings happiness. Well, the chakra colors work in the same way, stimulating certain parts of the brain. 

Crown - I know

The Crown chakra is found at the top of the head. This chakra connects to our spirit and mind. When this chakra is blocked we feel it on an emotional level. We feel disconnected from reality. We feel confused. Due to this, we have to unblock our crown chakra on a spiritual level. How do we do this? Try these:
1. Meditation
2. Yoga
3. Reconnect with nature
4. Be quiet, listen
5. Use essential oils
6. The color violet

The Crown chakra is connected to your pituitary gland and hypothalamus. For those who don't know these, they are sections in the lower region of the brain. 

Third eye - I see

The Third eye chakra. The "seeing" chakra. The majority have heard of  "opening the third eye." "spiritual awakening".  The Third eye chakra is the center of awareness and spiritual communication. If this chakra is blocked like you are unable to complete anything. As if plans are not going your way. You'll have feelings of denial and regret. Unblocking your Third eye is not a hard process, try these:
1. Meditation (always good)
2. Listen to your gut, hear your dreams
3. Use of positive affirmations
4. Essential oils
5. The color indigo

The Third eye chakra is related to your pineal gland, which is located in your middle brain. 

Throat - I speak

The Throat chakra is often thought of as insignificant. I see it as one of the most important. The Throat chakra is our "self". This is where we find our self-expression and communication. Here is where our personal truth is found. When this is blocked we may feel as though we are losing ourselves. We will feel a loss of creativity and communication. Unblocking this chakra can be done  by:
1. Yoga
2. Journaling/writing
3. Healing sessions
4. Practicing breathing meditation
5. The color blue

The Throat chakra is connected to...yes your throat. As well as, your esophagus and mouth. 

I will be covering the other 4 in my next post, so don't worry. I just don't want to overload you with information all at once. Therefore, this is not an end-of-post goodbye, simply a "to be continued..."

Blessed be

To be continued...


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