
Hey Pumpkins, do you know what your life purpose is? If you don't, that's absolutely fine. Most of us don't, I certainly don't. There is a Japanese concept called your Ikigai. This is your purpose. 

What is Ikigai?

The first time I heard about this concept was from the TV show "Mr. Iglesias". Strange, I know. I was drawn to it and needed to know more. The Japanese concept of Ikigai is a way used to find your life purpose or your "reason of being". In Japanese "iki" means life and "gai" is your value or worth. I know as well as any that life often feels pointless as if you have no reason, no purpose. I, along with all of our ancestors and history, am here to tell you otherwise. You do have a purpose and your life has a meaning. You just need to let it find you. This may take years, even all your life, but it will find you. 

How to find your Ikigai

Although it is often said that your Ikigai/ purpose will find you, you can also find it. In order to do this, you will first need to discover your passions. What drives you? What makes you happy to be alive? This is the first step to finding your Ikigai! The next step is finding a way to express this passion. How does showing and experiencing your passion make you feel? 

As Gandhi once said, "If you do what you enjoy doing you'll never have to work hard."

In other words, by doing what you enjoy it doesn't feel like work. You are doing what makes you happy and benefit from it. 

Answer these 4 questions:
1. Do you love it?
2. Are you good at it?
3. Is it something the world needs?
4. Can you get paid for it?

As frustrating as it is, the world does revolve around money and we do need a fair amount in order to survive. 

I hope this can help you, Pumpkins, whether it be now or in the future. Whatever you end up doing in life, be proud of it. Be proud of yourself. 
Until next time Pumpkins!

Blessed be 


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