Moon Phases

 Hey, Pumpkins! The Moon...that big white, grey, blue, or yellow ball in the sky? Yes, that's Her. In the space of 27 days, 7 hours, and 43 minutes, She completes a full orbit around the sun.

Why Her?

The Moon is a feminine entity. This is often said to be because She relates to the female cycle. The Moon cycle is 29 days and the female menstrual cycle is generally (this can vary between women) 28 days. This is not a recent thing, the Moon has been seen as feminine since long before any written evidence. She is seen as gentle and beautiful, with sides of mystery and darkness. This is represented by Artemis, the Greek Goddess of hunting, and the Moon. 

To The Ancestors

Our ancestors simply saw a bright beauty in the night sky. They saw it as a representation, and this representation changed with various cultures and beliefs. It was used as a calendar, compass, clock, and much more. Many worshiped the Moon, whether it was in the form of a Goddess or simply the Moon
Herself. For all of history, the Moon has been of enormous importance, to humanity and nature. Still, we discover more and more of what the Moon does for us. Her never-ending generosity and beauty. 


The Moon has made an appearance in many writings over history. Always as a feminine beauty.

"I always look up at the Moon and see it as the single most romantic place within the cosmos." - Tom Hanks

"There's no point in saving the world if it means losing the moon." - Tom Robbins

"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars." - Les Brown

Pumpkins, that is all for today! Never forget to talk to the Moon at night, She knows all of our secrets. The Moon is everywhere, even when She is nowhere to be seen. She will never leave us. She understands our cries.

Blessed be


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