The Moral Compass

Hey, Pumpkins! We all know what is right and what is wrong. but where does this instinct come from? The answer is...our moral compass. Today, we will be diving into what our moral compass is, and the different ways people view it. 

What is it?

When something is wrong, you know (although these rights and wrongs may vary between us). You get that knotted, nagging feeling in your chest and stomach. We call that our moral compass. It guides us (like a compass) via our morals. Our standards and behavior, are lessons we have learned. Humanity is said to have 5 basic morals.
  1. Care
  2. Fairness
  3. Loyalty
  4. Respect
  5. Purity
We look at intentions, actions, and decisions, and naturally (even if deep down) we know whether they
are right or wrong. Whether we should do it, or allow it, or not. However, we may not always listen to this feeling, sometimes we ignore it and carry on. Often this results in Karma paying a visit. 

Where does it come from?

So, where does this instinct come from? In all honesty, we don't exactly know. People around the world believe in many different things and this question can change between beliefs ad lifestyle. Having said this, it is also something built into us as humans.

Your moral compass is formed by your surroundings growing up and your life experiences. A perfect example would be a short story told to me by a past lecturer. it goes as follows...

"Two boys were raised solely by their alcoholic father, not having a mother in the picture. The one son grew up deciding he would neither drink nor turn into his father. The other son grew up to be an alcoholic just like his father. Although raised in the same environment, each son took from it a different lesson."

From this, we can see that even in the same situation we still have a choice of where our compass will point. 

Our moral direction can also come from our culture or religion. This can often come from our ancestors' writings and passing knowledge down over generations. 

Pumpkins, that is all for today! I hope this is of as much interest to you as it is to me. Let me know what you think! Where does your moral compass lie?

Blessed be 


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