The 7 Hermetic Principles (Part 1)

Hey, Pumpkins! How can you make life turn in favor of you? The 7 Hermetic Principles. The natural laws of the universe. Let's take a deeper look.

What are the 7 Hermetic Principles?

Hermeticism is a form of philosophy dating back many years. They are said to have come from the writings of renowned author Hermes Trismegitus. These principles were passed down through generations by word of mouth, later being printed into book form. (Specifically in the Kybalion.)
Some may say that there are 12 principles but we will only talk about the 7 main ones.

  1. The Principle of Mentalism
  2. The Principle of Correspondence 
  3. The Principle of Vibration
  4. The Principle of Polarity
  5. The Principle of Rhythm
  6. The Principle of Cause and Effect
  7. The Principle of Gender

Today we will focus on the first 3 Principles; Mentalism; Correspondence; and Vibration.

1. The Principle of Mentalism

"The All is Mind; The Universe is Mental" - The Kybalion
This Principle is also known as step 1 in manifestation. It relates back to "Mind before Matter". (This is the theory that your mind can influence the physical realm). Mentalism is using your inner self and wisdom in order to affect your world. Bringing balance; attracting what you give out. 

The Principle of Mentalism is centered around connecting the physical, psychological, and spiritual realms. Become One with nature and the Divine. 

2. The Principle of Correspondence

"As above, so below; as below, so above." - The Kybalion

The Principle of Correspondence relates to The Principle of Mentalism. It represents how our thoughts are able to become our reality. Of course, this doesn't mean that if we think about money falling from the sky hard enough, it will happen. There are limits. (This is important to remember)

Although many are against this, it is known theory (and I say 'theory' loosely) that all 3 realms, physical, spiritual, and psychological, are connected. They are able to influence each other. It is suggested that the cycle starts with the Spiritual, then connects to the Psychological as an idea or intuition, and this is then passed to the Physical where it is manifested. 

The Principle of Correspondence is where The Principle of Mentalism comes to life. 

3. The Principle of Vibration

"Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates." - The Kybalion

Everything has a vibration. This applies to both Physical and Spiritual. Most of us will know that physical matter has vibrations of a specific frequency, but many of us may not know that emotions also have a frequency. Crazy!

Interesting fact: Positive emotions have a higher frequency, and negative emotions have a lower

This is the reason you are able to control your own, and others, emotions, and psyche.  You can find many frequency videos on Youtube, Spotify, etc. The traditional singing bowl is another example of using frequency. By listening to a certain frequency you are able to introduce/ bring out an emotion/ focus/ sleep/ increased mood and memory. Have a look at it and give it a try. The results will surprise you!

Pumpkins, that is it for today. Part 2 will be following soon so stay tuned and keep an eye out. Leave a comment, and let me know your thoughts and feelings on this. 

Blessed Be 


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