The 7 Stages of Spiritual Alchemy

 Hey Pumpkins, we are back with more knowledge. Many of you may have heard of the book 'The Alchemist', if you have not then I highly recommend it. There are 2 types of Alchemy, chemical and spiritual. We, of course, will be talking about Spiritual Alchemy. 

The 7 Stages of Spiritual Alchemy:

1. Calcination 
2. Dissolution
3. Separation
4. Conjunction
5. Fermentation 
6. Distillation 
7. Coagulation

Alchemy is a medieval chemical science. An old age natural philosophy. Alchemists studied ways to transform one substance into another. Alongside this, they looked for ways that this transformation could correspond to astrology and magick.

Spiritual Alchemy is the unfleshly version. This is the transformation of your inner self.  

Today we will cover the first 3 stages of Spiritual Alchemy: Calcination; Dissolution; and Separation. 

1. Calcination - Burning to Ashes 

Calcination, the first stage of Spiritual Alchemy, is also called the Black Stage. The Calcination stage is the process of cutting our attachments to the world. It is the process of finding our true identity without the world telling us who to be. Hence it's attached to the color black. Black is seen as a representation of revealing and unburying. 

Here we are not saying that having attachments is bad, not at all. We are simply saying that in order to complete this process we need to get rid of attachments that will hinder the process. The purpose is to strengthen our vibrations and find a higher consciousness.

2. Dissolution - Dissolving the Ashes

Dissolution is the process of freeing ourselves from our false identity.  Chemically, it is the process of dissolving in water, relating to this, water can be a symbol of intense or strong emotion. Here we are releasing emotions that we have pushed down, finding an outlet, and freeing our psyche. Freeing ourselves from the past.

3. Separation - Extracting the Essence

 This stage has the element of air, spiritually. This process involves separating ourselves from bad habits and emotional triggers. Separating ourselves from negative emotions and toxicity. The journey of this process allows us to let go of ourselves, the "us" that is untrue and a false character. It allows us to discover our true selves and better identify our feelings, thoughts, and wants in life. 

In the separation stage, we aim to release ourselves of our old selves and allow ourselves relief. 

We will stop there for today, Pumpkins. I hope this is helpful to you. I know it can be a lot to take in and making change is not easy but I fully believe in each and every one of you 💖 Part 2 will be coming soon so watch this space.

Blessed be



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