Essential Oils

 Hey Pumpkins!!!! So, today we will be talking about essential oils. What they are and what they can be used for. I love them so much!

According to Google:

Essential oils: a natural oil typically obtained through distillation. A characteristic odor extracted from the plant.

(side note: I like to refer to the Google definition purely because it provides a straight and simple explanation.)

What are essential oils?

What are they? Well...awesome! Incredible! Fantastic! Essential oils are natural aromatic compounds extracted from a plant. Many MANY plants are used as essential oils, such as Lavender; Cedarwood; Cardommon; Pine; etc. Essential oils can come from flowers, roots, resins, fruit rinds, and nearly any part of the plant. 

How are essential oils made?

The most common way of making essential oils is by distillation (by steam or water) or mechanical methods (like cold methods). The purpose is to extract aromatic oils and volatile oils.
Distillation: Although there are two methods of distillation (by steam and by water) they both work the same. A liquid is heated to the point of condensation. the condensation is then liquidized again to separate so that it is separated from impurities and other solutes. 
This extracts the oils we want to keep.
Mechanical methods: Steam gets injected into the plant that holds the oils that we want. This releases the desired oils and vaporizes them for us. (in a similar way that distillation does)

What are the uses of essential oils?

Essential oils can be used in various different ways including diffusers; inhalation; evaporation; directly on the skin; in a bath or shower; and through a humidifier. 
Diffusers and humidifiers: the essential oils are emitted into the air by the diffuser. It is then inhaled by you through the air. 
Direct contact with the skin (or in a bath or shower): When applied directly onto the skin, the oils are absorbed into your skin. 

Different essential oils work in different ways for different things. An example would be lemon essential oils (one of my favorites), it is a great choice for lifting your mood. 

Essential oils are a great way to get into herbalism and aromatherapy. You do however need to go and learn and read up on herbs/oils and their uses.

Pumpkins, that is all for today! I hope you enjoy your adventure of oils, and let me know what you think. 

Blessed be

Emerald xx


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