
Life During The Spiritualist Movement

Hey Pumpkins! Slightly different post today. Recently I have been listening to an amazing podcast called 'Criminal'. If you are interested in true crime I highly recommend this podcast. (I have been listening to it on YouTube Music.) Anywho, one of their episodes caught my interest. 'Criminal' Episode 79: Secrets and Séances This episode, 'Secrets and Séances', spoke about certain events in spiritual s éances during World War II. We hear about a woman, by the name of Helen Duncan, a medium from Scotland who then moved to England. After performing many  s éances over the years she was later arrested for fraud...through a very controversial trial. Who was Helen Duncan??? Helen Duncan brought many people some clarity and relief during the war. The séances that she performed were said to bring back the dead of grieving families who had lost someone to the war. After talking to a Navy soldier, in 1941, who passed with the sinking of the HMS, MI5 was suddenly on her t

Dealing With Mental Burnout

  Hey Pumpkins! I know it's been a while but we are back with a post about why. Mental Burnout, we all suffer from it whether we realize it or not. Many of us, probably all of us, have very busy lives. Even when you are not running around like a headless chicken, your brain is still running. This constant active state runs its course, finally burning us out. Types of burnout? Burnout can show itself in various forms, including different types of burnout. These include overload burnout, under-challenged burnout, neglect burnout, and habitual burnout.  Overload Burnout: Overload Burnout comes from 'overloading' yourself with work. By pushing yourself to your limits in the hunt for success and being willing to risk your mental and physical health, you push your body into burnout. Under-Challenged Burnout:  Have you ever felt unappreciated, bored, or trapped? Feelings such as these can often cause under-challenged burnout. When feeling as though you are stuck you may withdraw

Cannabis Magick

 Hey Pumpkins! Cannabis and magick...can they be mixed? Let's find out. Many may call cannabis a drug due to the effects that it can have, but really it is simply a herb. Throughout history, it has been used as a medication as well as being used for its relaxing and calming effects. The effect that cannabis has on you is majorly related to the dosage that you take.  Let's talk history Cannabis can be dated as far back as 2800 BC. According to research, cannabis originated from central Asia and was used for its healing properties. Records of cannabis can also be seen in scripts from many other places, including India, Greece, and Rome. This herb was used for a huge variety of health issues, some of which are inflammation, depression, anxiety, and lack of appetite.  Cannabis Magick Cannabis has been featured in ancient religions all around the world, including paganism and spirituality. This special herb has been used in various rituals for thousands of years and still is. It can

Sacred Geometry (Part.2)

Hey Pumpkins! Let's get straight into part 2 of Sacred Geometry. If you have not read part one, feel free to go take a look here . 6. The Seed of Life  7 circles, 7 days of creating the universe (supposedly). The 7 merged circles reflect a connection to the universe. This pattern is seen to symbolize creation and how everything in creation is connected. Life and spirit joined as one. For many years this symbol has been seen as a sign of protection and blessings.  7. The Spiral The symbol is very common throughout the natural world. Often seen in shells, plants, galaxies, the tails of animals, etc. Connecting with this, it is a powerful sign of the natural world and development. Concerning spiritualism, this pattern can be seen as the core of your consciousness, a symbol of change, and the continuity of time. It is also seen as the connection of your chakras, joining your inner self with your higher self.   8. The Golden Ratio The Golden Ratio comes from the Greek letter Phi, whilst

Sacred Geometry

 Greetings Pumpkins! It has been a while but we are now back to dive into information and insights of the world around us and the world inside ourselves.  Some of you may love maths, but I personally do not. Luckily, Sacred Geometry is not that type of maths, instead, it refers to the geometric laws, how everything in the universe is connected.  It is said that the geometric laws have helped in the creation of everything. This makes sense as pretty much everything has forms, shapes, patterns, and some sort of maths or science. Since ancient times it has been believed that shapes, patterns, and numbers have a spiritual, philosophical meaning that helps us have a deeper understanding and connection with the world around us.  Although there are over 600 sacred geometrical patterns , these are the 11 most common and well-known. In this post, I will cover the first 5.  1. The Flower of Life Connection between all living things, not only on our planet but throughout the universe. This sacre


 Hey Pumpkins! We are back again, this time to talk about Auras. What are they? How do they work? How do we see them? How can we change them?  What are Auras? Everything has an energy, an electrical charge of sorts. Our aura is simply the 7 layers of energy radiating from our being. Each layer is said to represent a zone of your health, this may be physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, etc. The various layers can team up and imprint on your moods. I have been asked before if "vibes" and "auras" are the same thing. The answer is yes, and no. "Vibes", vibrations, are just that, a vibration, a frequency. This is also what your aura is made of, electrical frequency. Yes, you can sense your energies changing, some people can sense other individuals' energies. This is simply done but tapping into your own energies and understanding what it is, how it works, and what it looks like. Pretty simple.  What do they mean? Your aura shows as (up to 7) layers of co

The Ins and Outs of Lucid Dreaming

 Hey, Pumpkins! Hope everyone is doing well and not too tired, but if you are tired, this may be for you. Lucid dreaming. What is lucid dreaming? Sometimes when we are sleeping, we are aware of our dreams. Some may feel real and some we feel as though we are simply watching. Our brain knows that the dream is not really happening but it feels real and clear.  Investigating sleep There are various different stages of sleep. Lucid dreaming generally occurs during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, this is the deepest stage of sleep. There are 4 sleep stages, 1 being the lightest and 4 being the deepest. Stage 1 tends to last about 10 minutes, this is an NREM sleep, nonrapid eye movement. Stage 2 is approximately 15-25 minutes, this is also an NREM sleep. Stage 3, also NREM, lasts about 30-40 minutes. Stage 4, the deepest stage of sleep, can be 10-60 minutes, this is when REM occurs. Lucid dreaming  Many think that lucid dreaming is something only certain people experience. In fact, lucid dre