Sacred Geometry

 Greetings Pumpkins! It has been a while but we are now back to dive into information and insights of the world around us and the world inside ourselves. 

Some of you may love maths, but I personally do not. Luckily, Sacred Geometry is not that type of maths, instead, it refers to the geometric laws, how everything in the universe is connected. 

It is said that the geometric laws have helped in the creation of everything. This makes sense as pretty much everything has forms, shapes, patterns, and some sort of maths or science. Since ancient times it has been believed that shapes, patterns, and numbers have a spiritual, philosophical meaning that helps us have a deeper understanding and connection with the world around us. 

Although there are over 600 sacred geometrical patterns, these are the 11 most common and well-known. In this post, I will cover the first 5. 

1. The Flower of Life

Connection between all living things, not only on our planet but throughout the universe. This sacred pattern is often referred to as 'the blueprint of life'. 


Not only can we see this pattern in plants and nature, but it has also been discovered in ancient manuscripts, art, culture, and even taught in the mystery schools. 

2.  Metatrons Cube

This symbol holds in itself every shape of the universe. Insane right? 1 symbol containing every shape in the universe, including parts of The Flower of Life. The 'Platonic Solids', the building blocks of the universe, are held in this pattern. 

This symbol is said to be the outline for all of creation. It represents travel and balance throughout life. Hence is named after Archangel Metatron whose 'jobs' included being 'The Guide', revealer of secrets, and providing a connection between heaven and earth. 

3. The Tree of Life

The Tree of Life is one of the most well-known symbols, although many do not actually know what it is or what it means. 

With its roots winding deep into the ground and branches spreading far and wide, The Tree of Life represents a connection between all things. It continues to show us how we too are connected to the earth and the skies and how they sustain us. 

This symbol of life has been recognized by many different religions and spiritualities throughout history. 

4. The Platonic Solids

Ancient Greek philosopher, Plato, was the first to take an interest in this phenomenal shape. This was highly due to its uniqueness being the only 3D shape with equal sides and angles, as well as identical faces. 
These 5 symbols represent, earth, air, fire, water, and spirit. We can derive from this the main elements of nature and the universe. Bringing us to their meaning of balance and connection between all. 

5. Sri Yantra

Circles and entwined triangles. Not as simple as it sounds. This symbol is said to be a 'spider-web' connecting everything in the universe. To be more specific; The cosmos, humanity, Divine Masculinity, and Divine Femininity. 

Due to its connection between the divine and the cosmos, it is often used in meditation. A way to draw in more connection to everything around us. 

That is all for today Pumpkins. I will be doing a part 2 on Sacred Geometry so keep an eye out for that!

Blessed Be



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