Dealing With Mental Burnout


Hey Pumpkins! I know it's been a while but we are back with a post about why.

Mental Burnout, we all suffer from it whether we realize it or not. Many of us, probably all of us, have very busy lives. Even when you are not running around like a headless chicken, your brain is still running. This constant active state runs its course, finally burning us out.

Types of burnout?

Burnout can show itself in various forms, including different types of burnout. These include overload burnout, under-challenged burnout, neglect burnout, and habitual burnout. 

Overload Burnout: Overload Burnout comes from 'overloading' yourself with work. By pushing yourself to your limits in the hunt for success and being willing to risk your mental and physical health, you push your body into burnout.

Under-Challenged Burnout: Have you ever felt unappreciated, bored, or trapped? Feelings such as these can often cause under-challenged burnout. When feeling as though you are stuck you may withdraw and distance yourself from the world. This withdrawal often leads to unwanted thoughts and lacking energy to do anything. This is the result of under-challenged burnout.

Neglect Burnout: Sometimes in life, we feel that we have no control over situations. This may refer to a situation, task, responsibility, etc. We may feel that we do not have what it takes. These feelings can come from neglect burnout.

Habitual Burnout: This is the form of burnout that most will recognize. Habitual burnout is when you feel the chronic mental and physical drain. You feel exhausted, unenergized, or worn out. This stage of burnout is seen as the worst stage, the time when you should seek help. You may notice your mood changing and unwanted thoughts and feelings entering. 

So what actually causes all these mental burnouts? Well, it can be caused by various events and emotions. Sometimes the effects of burnout can cause deeper burnout, such as lack of sleep.
Burnout can be caused by life, work, relationships, etc. Feelings such as lack of appreciation, unrest, and feeling unrecognized can also contribute to burnout. 

Symptoms and Cures
No, burnout is not like a migraine that appears out of nowhere. Here are a few signs that you may be approaching burnout:
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Sleeping more/less than usual 
  • Lack of enthusiasm 
  • Lack of energy/will to complete tasks
Yes, unlike a migraine, there are ways to help without sitting around waiting for it to go away. [You may have noticed that we do not like migraines here ;)] Some ways to help cure your burnout (note that curing your burnout is not an instant effect, it takes time so be kind to yourself x) :
  • Take a bit off your plate. You are only human, don't try to take on more than you can handle. 
  • REST!!!! Your body needs to recharge. You are a living organism, your body needs to have a break sometimes...and not just at night. (Yes Nightowl, I'm looking at you)
  • Don't be afraid to ask for help. There is nothing wrong with this. So many people today feel that they need to keep their issues to themselves, but really talking to people can be all you need sometimes. Give it a try!
  • Relax. Find an activity that calms your mind and body. Maybe try yoga, meditation, arts and crafts, etc.
Burnout can cause genuine health issues. If nothing that you just read stayed in your head, just remember this: Take care of yourself. You are important. You are strong. Don't be too hard on yourself. 

I hope this has helped you in some form and that you remember to always take care of yourself and be there for those around you. You are special, each and every one of you x

See you next time Pumpkins!

Blessed be 




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