The 12 Universal Laws (Part 2)

 Goodmorning Pumpkins!!!! I am back to give you part two of The 12 Universal Laws! Let's get right into it and not allow me to rant about how annoying retrogrades can be...
If you have not seen part one please go ahead and take a look at it here!

7) Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy 

This is not as complicated as it sounds, it simply means we have more power than we realize. This is a HUGE part of manifestation, you have the power to make the change, and all you have to do is choose to. You can turn negative energy into positive energy. You can turn low vibrations into high vibrations. Baby, if you put your mind to it, you can do anything. 

8) Law of Compensation

Yes, Joey, it is pretty much all about having and giving and sharing and receiving. But I guess there is a little more to it. Basically, what you give and share will be compensated. You get what you give right? That's pretty much it, I think...

9) Law of Relativity 

Everything happens for a reason. Whether this reason is to show you a lesson or grow your strength...nothing is for nothing. This doesn't mean that your feelings about it are not valid. Your feelings are always valid. It simply means that although times may be tough...know that it will get better and you will continue to grow. I'm proud of you pumpkins! <3

10) Law of Polarity

There is an opposite to everything. Happy = Sad. Rain = Sun. Up = Down. This is to push you to appreciate everything more. When you are sad, you appreciate happiness more. It's easier to appreciate the sun when you've been stuck in the rain. Right? These opposites create a much-needed balance in our lives and the universe. The South Pole and the North Pole. You can use the negatives to attract the positives and vice versa.

11) Law of Rhythm

Good music has a rhythm. The universe has a rhythm and repetition. Seasons for example - Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer, and back to Autumn. (That is the order right...?) Think of this as a swing. You go forwards and back again. Forward and back. That is the rhythm of a swing, right? You do not just stay in the air, that would be weird. We need a rhythm to stay inspired, to know when to be active, and to know when to rest. 

12) Law of Gender 

There are two types of energy, masculine and feminine. Every living organism has both. Having both energies creates a balance....and as you can see throughout anything balance is very important. You would think that by knowing this there would be more equality in the world.....I digress. 

That's them all! The 12 Universal Laws! I'm hoping I got those all right and didn't leave anything out..if I did, feel free to let me know. As I have mentioned before, I am learning alongside you and the journey of learning never ends.
Thank you for popping by Pumpkins! Wishing you a great day further!

Blessed be 




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