
Showing posts from August, 2023

The 7 Stages of Spiritual Alchemy (Part 2)

Hey Pumpkins! Today we will be working through the last 4 stages of Spiritual Alchemy. Since these have already been introduced we will jump straight in. The 7 Stages of Spiritual Alchemy: 1. Calcination  2. Dissolution 3. Separation 4. Conjunction 5. Fermentation  6. Distillation  7. Coagulation 4. Conjunction  The first 3 stages can be combined in order to create the stage of conjunction. This is where we bring together all of the elements. Here we begin to pull together our true, and natural self. It is where our journey materializes.  Although our journey through Spiritual Alchemy never truly ends, during stage 4 we begin to pull together and body and spirit. We gain balance and harmony within ourselves and therefore our surroundings.  5. Fermentation Also called Putrefaction, this stage of fermentation is when our old self is buried, or deceased, and our new self is born. This is the process of rebirth. Here we begin our new journey, the main character...

The 7 Stages of Spiritual Alchemy

 Hey Pumpkins, we are back with more knowledge. Many of you may have heard of the book 'The Alchemist', if you have not then I highly recommend it. There are 2 types of Alchemy, chemical and spiritual. We, of course, will be talking about Spiritual Alchemy.  The 7 Stages of Spiritual Alchemy: 1. Calcination  2. Dissolution 3. Separation 4. Conjunction 5. Fermentation  6. Distillation  7. Coagulation Alchemy is a medieval chemical science. An old age natural philosophy. Alchemists studied ways to transform one substance into another. Alongside this, they looked for ways that this transformation could correspond to astrology and magick. Spiritual Alchemy is the unfleshly version. This is the transformation of your inner self.   Today we will cover the first 3 stages of Spiritual Alchemy: Calcination; Dissolution; and Separation.  1. Calcination - Burning to Ashes  Calcination, the first stage of Spiritual Alchemy, is also called the Black Stage...

The 7 Hermetic Principles (Part 2)

Hey, Pumpkins! The 7 Hermetic Principles. We have covered what they are and the first 3 Principles in the previous post. If you have not yet seen this, I highly suggest you run off and read that one first. For now.....Let's jump in! The Principle of Mentalism The Principle of Correspondence  The Principle of Vibration The Principle of Polarity The Principle of Rhythm The Principle of Cause and Effect The Principle of Gender 4. The Principle of Polarity "Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled." - The Kybalion Opposites are the same. Breaks your brain right?  A good example would be ice and steam. Although different, they are essentially both water. The same concept can be shown in physical matter and spiritual energy. They are both vibrations.  The Principle of Polari...