Chakras (Part 1)

Hey Pumpkins! What are chakras? How can they help us? How can we use them? I will tell you. What are they? Chakras are certain power points in our bodies. Each chakra is connected to a certain section, nerve group, and organ in our body. There are 7 main chakras, each connecting through our spinal cords to our head. When these chakras are blocked, it has a physical effect on us. So, now what? What are the 7 chakras? Here are the 7 chakras (and their "quotes" of sorts) from head to toe. Crown - I know Third eye - I see Throat - I speak Heart - I love Solar Plexus - I do Sacral - I feel Root - I am And yes, there are crystals (and colors) to help. Colors Firstly, I want to explain how the colors work. Each chakra has a color associated with it (as you can see in the image on the right). The energy connected to each chakra has a frequency, these frequencies have a color attached to them. Colors, in general, have various effects on the brain. We've all the idea that yellow ...