Herbal Medicine vs Orthodox Medicine

Hey, Pumpkins! A few people have asked me what the differences are between Herbal Medication and Orthodox Medication. So here it is! According to Google: Herbal medicine: "remedies and medicines made from plants" Orthodox Medicine: " a system in which medical doctors or other healthcare professionals treat symptoms or diseases using drugs, radiation, or surgery," Let's start with Orthodox Medication: Orthodox Medicines are the drugs you get at your average pharmacy. Prescription drugs, not fun drugs. these are the (mostly chemically made) lab drugs. Orthodox Medication became most popular during the 19th century. This medication has saved many lives and should not be dismissed, although there are often better options. Orthodox Medication can often lead to other side effects which then need to be treated with more medication. Then you end up with your own pharmacy in your bedroom. (like I have) Herbal Medication: HERBS ARE LIFE!!!! Literally and Metaphorically....