Cannabis Magick

Hey Pumpkins! Cannabis and magick...can they be mixed? Let's find out. Many may call cannabis a drug due to the effects that it can have, but really it is simply a herb. Throughout history, it has been used as a medication as well as being used for its relaxing and calming effects. The effect that cannabis has on you is majorly related to the dosage that you take. Let's talk history Cannabis can be dated as far back as 2800 BC. According to research, cannabis originated from central Asia and was used for its healing properties. Records of cannabis can also be seen in scripts from many other places, including India, Greece, and Rome. This herb was used for a huge variety of health issues, some of which are inflammation, depression, anxiety, and lack of appetite. Cannabis Magick Cannabis has been featured in ancient religions all around the world, including paganism and spirituality. This special herb has been used in various rituals for thousands of years and still is. ...