Sacred Geometry

Greetings Pumpkins! It has been a while but we are now back to dive into information and insights of the world around us and the world inside ourselves. Some of you may love maths, but I personally do not. Luckily, Sacred Geometry is not that type of maths, instead, it refers to the geometric laws, how everything in the universe is connected. It is said that the geometric laws have helped in the creation of everything. This makes sense as pretty much everything has forms, shapes, patterns, and some sort of maths or science. Since ancient times it has been believed that shapes, patterns, and numbers have a spiritual, philosophical meaning that helps us have a deeper understanding and connection with the world around us. Although there are over 600 sacred geometrical patterns , these are the 11 most common and well-known. In this post, I will cover the first 5. 1. The Flower of Life Connection between all living things, not only on our planet but throughout ...