
Showing posts from October, 2023


 Hey Pumpkins! We are back again, this time to talk about Auras. What are they? How do they work? How do we see them? How can we change them?  What are Auras? Everything has an energy, an electrical charge of sorts. Our aura is simply the 7 layers of energy radiating from our being. Each layer is said to represent a zone of your health, this may be physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, etc. The various layers can team up and imprint on your moods. I have been asked before if "vibes" and "auras" are the same thing. The answer is yes, and no. "Vibes", vibrations, are just that, a vibration, a frequency. This is also what your aura is made of, electrical frequency. Yes, you can sense your energies changing, some people can sense other individuals' energies. This is simply done but tapping into your own energies and understanding what it is, how it works, and what it looks like. Pretty simple.  What do they mean? Your aura shows as (up to 7) layers of co...

The Ins and Outs of Lucid Dreaming

 Hey, Pumpkins! Hope everyone is doing well and not too tired, but if you are tired, this may be for you. Lucid dreaming. What is lucid dreaming? Sometimes when we are sleeping, we are aware of our dreams. Some may feel real and some we feel as though we are simply watching. Our brain knows that the dream is not really happening but it feels real and clear.  Investigating sleep There are various different stages of sleep. Lucid dreaming generally occurs during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, this is the deepest stage of sleep. There are 4 sleep stages, 1 being the lightest and 4 being the deepest. Stage 1 tends to last about 10 minutes, this is an NREM sleep, nonrapid eye movement. Stage 2 is approximately 15-25 minutes, this is also an NREM sleep. Stage 3, also NREM, lasts about 30-40 minutes. Stage 4, the deepest stage of sleep, can be 10-60 minutes, this is when REM occurs. Lucid dreaming  Many think that lucid dreaming is something only certain people experience. In f...