Sacred Geometry (Part.2)

Hey Pumpkins! Let's get straight into part 2 of Sacred Geometry. If you have not read part one, feel free to go take a look here . 6. The Seed of Life 7 circles, 7 days of creating the universe (supposedly). The 7 merged circles reflect a connection to the universe. This pattern is seen to symbolize creation and how everything in creation is connected. Life and spirit joined as one. For many years this symbol has been seen as a sign of protection and blessings. 7. The Spiral The symbol is very common throughout the natural world. Often seen in shells, plants, galaxies, the tails of animals, etc. Connecting with this, it is a powerful sign of the natural world and development. Concerning spiritualism, this pattern can be seen as the core of your consciousness, a symbol of change, and the continuity of time. It is also seen as the connection of your chakras, joining your inner self with your higher self. 8. The Golden Ratio The Golden Ratio comes from the Greek let...